
Spring Welcome to the Minneapolis Standish Ericsson Neighbors Forum

While an independent forum, it serves as a friendly complement to our neighborhood association.

For specific forum rules, including details on what is and is not allowed in terms of commerce, see our detailed forum charter. No selling individual items, free items are fine. You may introduce your home-based business once here.

You may search past messages on the this forum.

Super Neighbor - This Month's Forum Sponsor

Tango Chimichurri

Mariana brought this authentic recipe with her from Argentina nearly ten years ago and she’s been making it for family and friends ever since. Her friends finally DEMANDED that she send Chimi out into the world. The next day, Tango Chimichurri was born. Call us crazy, we just think you might like it too. Find it at the Minneapolis Farmers Market on Lyndale!

Be Our Next Forum Sponsor

Donate now to be next month's forum sponsor. With permission, we will ALSO credit you on every e-mail post (each day this forum delivers over 5,000 e-mails) with a couple links of your choice. Contact us: sponsor@e-democracy.org

A special update to E-Democracy forum members in St. Paul.

Knight Green Line Challenge

Have a great idea for the neighborhoods along the Green Line Saint Paul?

A $1.5 million dollar over three years challenge was announced by the Knight Foundation. 

E-Democracy's Saint Paul forums have sprung into action bringing thousands of visits to their website

Submit your idea through July 24.

If you've seen this opportunity mentioned many times, but need more information on JUST HOW EASY THIS IS - see their FAQ. You do not need to live along the Green Line to submit an idea and anyone can apply including individuals, nonprofits, businesses, and public entities. 

Experiment with us! Join our special public drafting effort via Google Docs. We are drafting our own ideas here. Why not add yours and get feedback that strengthens your proposal? You are also encouraged to use your local Neighbors Forum and the Saint Paul Issues Forum to gather feedback.

Remember, proposals are due by midnight on Thursday, July 24.

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  • Bill Bushey is the volunteer Forum Manager.
  • Members may post no more than 4 messages in a 24 hour period

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