St. Paul Macalester Groveland Neighbors


Mac Groveland map

Macalester Groveland Neighbors Forum - Welcome!

The neighborly place to share information, discuss local issues, find solutions and build a vibrant community. 


Please join us - we'd like to meet and hear from you! Participate via e-mail or the web. New members please send us a quick note in the MG introductions topic, and we recommend that you use the 'digest' setting to provide one email per day of forum discussions!

We are an independent forum, and a complement to the Macalester Groveland Community Council. See other local community resources by selecting the links tab.

  • Statistics: The population of Mac Groveland is about 20,000 (about 7% of St. Paul). 51% are under 34 years old, 28% are renters. The median income is $74,078. 90% are identified as 'white', 88% have at least 'some college', 54% are 'family households' and 46% are 'non-family households', the 'poverty rate' is 17%.
  • Source: | 2011 Community Profile 

Special Outreach Campaign 
This forum is part of the major city-wide Be Neighbors outreach campaign. Please let us know about key community and cultural events where we might sign people up in person and become a volunteer!

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  • Members may post no more than 2 messages in a 24 hour period

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