Christchurch - Christchurch Central Neighbours


Central City

Welcome to Central Christchurch City Neighbours

If you live in the Central City and surrounding areas, or have a business there, joining this online forum might be one of the more important things you do in 2011. We want this forum to be large, and active. You are invited to be part of that.

Recovery from the earthquake will take some of us a long time. It may take several years for us to realise all the things we've lost. Meanwhile we still have to get on and build community life, and find in that community a new place for ourselves.

This forum is ABOUT what the members want to talk about. We're not very interested in what's in the newspaper or on TV. We're more interested in what people are saying over the fence.

You can share community news, photos and announcements; recommend plumbers, electricians, builders and other trades; find lost pets; help to prevent crime; talk about new businesses; or even just discuss how our community is rebuilding.

It’s easy to take part in the public forum, either on the web or by email.

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This volunteer-based forum is hosted as part of's family of Neighbours Issues Forums across New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and the United States.

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